Code42 Incydr: Features, Pros, Cons & Alternatives

code42 incydr

With the rise of remote work and the increasing prevalence of cyberthreats, companies actively seek robust solutions to safeguard their valuable data assets. One solution that has gained traction recently is Code 42 Incydr, a data risk detection and response platform.

Incydr is a SaaS solution that combines data loss prevention (DLP), cloud access security broker (CASB), and user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) capabilities into a single platform. In this post, we’ll examine this software’s pros and cons alongside top alternatives.

About Code42

Code42 is an American cybersecurity software company, that specializes in insider risk management solutions. Founded in 2001, the company has grown to serve over 50,000 organizations worldwide, helping them protect their valuable data and intellectual property –source code, customer lists, and product roadmaps– from potential insider threats, accidental risks, and cyber attacks. 

With a focus on insider risk management, Code42 aims to strike a balance between data security and employee productivity, enabling businesses to collaborate securely without hindering their operations.

What is Incydr by Code42?

Code42 Incydr is a data protection solution that gives organizations visibility into user activity, prioritizes potential risks based on contextual indicators, and automates response actions to mitigate potential threats. The solution helps detect and respond to data leaks and theft caused by insiders, such as employees, contractors, or malicious actors within a company.

It leverages a cloud-based architecture and a lightweight endpoint agent to monitor and analyze file movements across various channels, including local drives, cloud storage, email, and web applications. Combining this comprehensive visibility with advanced risk scoring and automated response controls, Incydr empowers organizations to proactively address data loss risks and take appropriate action when necessary.

Key Incydr Features

Code42 Incydr offers a range of powerful features which include:

Risk Exposure Dashboard

The Incydr Risk Exposure Dashboard provides tailored views to identify file exposure, training gaps, corporate policy non-compliance, and measure program performance company-wide. It utilizes over 120 Incydr Risk Indicators (IRIs) to automatically prioritize data risks based on risk profiles and contextual factors, such as file properties, user activity, and file hash values. This allows security teams to detect and respond to information exposure and exfiltration from corporate computers, cloud-based systems, and email systems.

File DLP

As a file-based data loss prevention tool, Incydr excels at monitoring file movements across local, network, and cloud sources and destinations. It empowers organizations to track and control the flow of sensitive files effectively, ensuring that valuable data remains within the trusted environment.

Third-Party Actions

Incydr allows administrators to create custom actions by integrating with third-party security tools. For example, administrators can automatically disable permissions on single sign-on (SSO) platforms like Okta when an access violation is detected, or quarantine a file using solutions like CrowdStrike, enabling a comprehensive and coordinated response to potential threats.

Diverse Integrations

Incydr boasts integrations with over 30 partners, including CyberArk, Splunk, SentinelOne, and more. It can also automatically create user profiles (e.g., new hires, contractors, terminated employees) by integrating with identity and access management (IAM), privileged access management (PAM), and human resources information systems (HRIS).

Cloud App Monitoring

Incydr can integrate with cloud applications such as Salesforce, Office 365, Git, and ADP, enabling organizations to monitor file movements and detect potential cloud data compromise incidents. This feature provides visibility into data shared through these platforms, ensuring that sensitive information remains secure.

Sumo Logic Integration

Teams can set up Code42 Incydr to track file exposure and exfiltration events within existing Sumo Logic dashboards or design tailored dashboards to systematically oversee exfiltration events, including cloud sync activity, web browser uploads, file sharing, and user-related removable media exposure.

Incydr Pros

Incydr by Code42 offers several compelling advantages which include:

Detecting Insider Threats

One of Incydr’s primary strengths is its ability to detect insider threats effectively. By monitoring file movements and user activities across various channels, Incydr can identify potential data leaks or theft attempts by employees, contractors, or malicious insiders within the organization.

Preventing Data Loss and Theft

Incydr’s comprehensive monitoring capabilities and its automated response controls enable organizations to prevent data loss and theft incidents proactively. By identifying risky activities and taking appropriate actions, Incydr helps organizations protect their valuable data and intellectual property.

Prioritizing Risks and Implement Response Controls

Incydr’s risk scoring system, powered by over 120 Incydr Risk Indicators (IRIs), allows organizations to prioritize potential threats through contextual risk scoring based on file, vector, and user characteristics and behaviors. This feature ensures that security teams can focus their efforts on the most critical risks, while Incydr’s range of automated response controls enables them to take appropriate actions to mitigate those risks effectively.

Security Orchestration

With its integration capabilities, Incydr can orchestrate security actions across various systems and platforms. By integrating with solutions like IAM, PAM, and endpoint detection and response (EDR/XDR) tools, Incydr can automate response actions, such as disabling user access or quarantining suspicious files, enhancing the organization’s overall security posture.

Where Incydr Falls Short

While Incydr offers robust data protection capabilities, it is important to consider its limitations and areas where it may fall short of meeting specific organizational needs.

Limited Monitoring Capabilities

Incydr’s monitoring capabilities are primarily focused on file movements and do not include advanced features like screenshot capture and audio recording, keystroke logging, or clipboard monitoring. Additionally, while it can monitor file uploads and downloads across various channels, its monitoring capabilities for other activities may be limited. Print monitoring is supported only on Mac and Linux platforms.

High TCO

Incydr’s pricing model may result in a higher total cost of ownership (TCO) for some organizations. Additional costs may be incurred for features like extended data retention, business application monitoring, full API access, and premium technical support. Furthermore, separate licenses may be required for each data connector, adding to the overall cost.

Less Powerful Agent

While Incydr’s endpoint agent is designed to be lightweight and non-disruptive, it lacks certain advanced features in other solutions. It does not offer a stealth mode, offline support, or remote desktop control capabilities, which may be desirable in certain use cases.

Basic Data Loss Prevention

While Incydr offers data loss prevention capabilities, its approach primarily focuses on file monitoring. It may generate false positives and lack advanced features found in dedicated DLP solutions, such as content inspection or optical character recognition (OCR) capabilities.

New Product

Incydr is a relatively new product, having been launched in 2020. As a result, it may be considered an immature solution, potentially subject to volatility or changes in its feature set or positioning. For instance, Code42 initially marketed Incydr as an AI-powered solution but has since removed references to AI from its nomenclature.

No Productivity/BPO Features

Incydr is primarily focused on data protection and insider risk management. It lacks additional features found in other solutions, such as productivity analytics, business process optimization (BPO), or time tracking and project management capabilities, which may be valuable for organizations seeking these exact features.

7 Alternatives to Incydr

While Incydr is a well-known solution, several Incydr alternatives are worth considering, each offering unique features and capabilities.

1. Teramind

Teramind is a leading employee monitoring and user activity monitoring (UAM) platform that optimizes productivity while detecting insider threats and preventing data loss. It combines behavior analysis, session recording, and automated response capabilities.

By integrating UAM, DLP, and user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA), Teramind delivers a comprehensive strategy for securing data. It features instantaneous monitoring, categorization of sensitive information, tools for enhancing productivity, and extensive auditing and forensic investigation functions.

Key Features

  • Employee Monitoring: Teramind’s employee monitoring capabilities allow for detailed oversight of user activities, ensuring productivity and adherence to company policies.
  • UEBA: Teramind’s UEBA feature helps detect anomalous behavior by establishing baseline patterns and identifying deviations that could indicate potential threats.
  • Remote Desktop Control: Teramind offers remote desktop control functionality, enabling IT administrators to remotely access and control employee workstations for troubleshooting, support, or training purposes.
  • Real-time Alerts & Prevention: Customizable rules trigger real-time alerts on policy violations and can automatically block harmful activities.
  • Screen Recording & Playback: Captures on-screen user activities for forensic auditing and evidence gathering.
  • Audit and Forensics: Teramind offers audit and forensic tools that deliver comprehensive, time-stamped documentation of all user actions. This feature simplifies the process for security teams to carry out in-depth inquiries following security breaches.

Read the full Code42 Incydr vs. Teramind comparison.

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2. Proofpoint DLP

Proofpoint DLP is an insider threat management platform that offers organizations a comprehensive solution to address the full range of people-centric data loss scenarios. By combining content analysis, behavior monitoring, and threat intelligence, it provides deep visibility into user intent, enabling effective detection and prevention of data loss risks across multiple channels, including email, cloud applications, and endpoints. 

This holistic approach empowers organizations to tackle complex data loss challenges, such as protecting sensitive data in the cloud, controlling the acceptable use of generative AI tools, and mitigating potential risks from negligent, compromised, or malicious insiders. 

With its modern architecture, granular privacy controls, and seamless integration capabilities, Proofpoint Enterprise DLP offers a robust and scalable solution for organizations seeking to modernize their data loss prevention strategies and safeguard their critical information assets.

Read more: Proofpoint vs. Teramind.

3. Trellix

Trellix DLP provides a multi-layered approach covering endpoints, networks, email, web communications, and data repositories. The endpoint agent monitors data in use, at rest, and in motion on individual systems. The network component inspects data flows across email, web, and network protocols. The discovery tool scans file shares and databases to locate and remediate exposed sensitive data. 

These components can be deployed individually or combined into unified packages tailored to address specific data protection needs, such as insider threat prevention, compliance management, and IP protection. Centralized policy management, user coaching, and integrated incident response further strengthen Trellix’s DLP capabilities. 

With its accurate classification capabilities, Trellix DLP can accurately identify and categorize various types of confidential information, including intellectual property, personally identifiable information (PII), and regulated data subject to compliance standards like GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS.


DTEX offers a robust insider risk management solution called inTERCEPT. This cloud-native platform consolidates DLP, user behavior analytics (UBA), and UAM capabilities into a single, lightweight offering. By leveraging AI and ML algorithms, inTERCEPT can detect anomalous behavior patterns and surface “indicators of intent,” enabling organizations to proactively identify and mitigate insider threats to prevent data exfiltration events.

One of inTERCEPT’s key strengths is its privacy-compliant approach. The platform collects only metadata, minimizing the impact on employee productivity and network performance. The platform’s Ai3 Risk Assistant also guides investigations and provides actionable recommendations, streamlining the process of identifying and responding to potential threats.

Read more: The 7 Best DTEX Alternatives.

5. Forcepoint DLP

Forcepoint DLP is a data loss prevention solution that takes a human-centric approach to data security. It provides advanced detection capabilities, including OCR, identification of PII, encryption detection, and data fingerprinting. Forcepoint DLP empowers employees by coaching them on data handling policies, enabling secure collaboration, and integrating with data classification solutions. 

It also helps organizations accelerate compliance efforts through pre-defined regulatory templates and centralized policy management across all data channels. Forcepoint DLP offers broad visibility and control over data, whether it resides in the cloud, on-premises, or is in motion across various channels like endpoints, networks, web, and email. It leverages analytics to prioritize incidents based on risk, streamlining incident response and remediation. 

Deployment options include cloud-based, on-premises, or a hybrid approach, with seamless integration across Forcepoint’s security solutions like CASB, SWG, and ZTNA for a comprehensive data protection ecosystem.

6. Digital Guardian

Digital Guardian delivers deep visibility into data movement, user activities, and system operations across endpoints, networks, cloud applications, and storage repositories. The solution’s agent captures all system, user, and data events whether on or off the network, automatically blocking suspicious behaviors before sensitive data is lost.

A key advantage of Digital Guardian is their cloud-delivered, multi-tenant data protection platform powered by AWS. This cloud-native architecture allows for efficient and high-performance data protection that can scale on demand. Digital Guardian supports full coverage across Windows, macOS, and Linux environments to ensure no gaps in protection. 

7. Symantec DLP

Symantec DLP provides data protection capabilities to discover, monitor, and protect sensitive corporate information across endpoints, networks, cloud services, and storage systems. It utilizes advanced detection technologies like exact data matching, indexed document matching, vector machine learning, and described content matching to accurately identify and classify confidential data with minimal false positives. 

The solution enables organizations to define and enforce consistent data loss prevention policies across their entire environment through a unified management console. It also offers robust policy authoring, incident response workflows, and business intelligence reporting tools. 


While Code 42 Incydr is a robust data protection platform, its limited monitoring capabilities and lack of advanced features like screenshot capture and keystroke logging may require alternative solutions. 

Organizations can consider alternatives like Teramind, which offers comprehensive data loss prevention across endpoints, networks, and cloud applications, with a wide range of features. Ultimately, the choice depends on an organization’s specific data protection requirements, regulatory compliance needs, and overall security strategy.

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What is Code42 used for?

Code42 is an insider threat and data loss prevention (DLP) solution that offers features like real-time monitoring, user behavior analytics, incident response, and reporting. It helps businesses protect their sensitive data and identify potential insider threats before they occur.

Is Code42 legit?

Code42 is a legitimate insider threat and data loss prevention (DLP) solution provider. Trusted by businesses worldwide, Code42 offers robust features like real-time monitoring, data monitoring capabilities, and user behavior analytics to protect sensitive data and mitigate insider threats effectively.

What is the difference between Code42 and CrashPlan?

Code42 is the company behind Code42 Incydr. It was also the creator and distributor of CrashPlan until it was sold to Mill Point Capital in 2022. While Code42 Incydr focuses on insider threat and data loss prevention, CrashPlan is a cloud-based backup solution. Incydr provides features like real-time monitoring and user behavior analytics. CrashPlan focuses on endpoint data backup and recovery.

Is Code42 private or public?

Code42 is a private company specializing in insider threat and data loss prevention solutions. Their product, Code42 Incydr, protects sensitive data and mitigates insider threats.

Is Code42 free?

No, Code42 is not a free solution. Code42 Incydr is a paid insider threat and data loss prevention (DLP) solution that offers advanced features like real-time monitoring, user behavior analytics, and incident response capabilities to help businesses protect their sensitive data.

Why is Code42 using so much memory?

Code42 is designed to provide robust security features that require a certain level of system resources, including memory usage. Memory consumption may vary depending on factors such as the size of the data being monitored and the number of users on the system.

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