The 10 Best Code42 Incydr Alternatives for Data Loss Prevention 

code42 incydr alternatives

Incydr by Code42 is a popular data loss prevention tool that claims to eliminate the need for data loss prevention (DLP), CASB, and UEBA in most organizations. While Incydr is good at what it does, it may not fit the needs of every organization.

In this post, we’ll look at 10 alternatives to Incydr to help you decide which data loss tool is best for your organization.

Where Code42’s Incydr Falls Short

While Incydr has its positives, there are a few drawbacks that prevent it from being a true DLP solution.

Can’t Block Data Leaks in Real Time: Incydr’s primary limitation is its inability to block or prevent data exfiltration as it occurs. Unlike systems integrated with endpoint protection platforms that utilize behavioral analysis to block suspicious data transfers automatically, Incydr primarily logs and reports incidents. This lack of real-time intervention means the data may have already been compromised once a threat is detected. 

Mostly Tracks File Uploads; Limited Download Tracking: Incydr’s monitoring capabilities include tracking file uploads to cloud services, email, and other external destinations. However, its mechanisms for monitoring downloads are not as comprehensive. This creates a gap in surveillance that could allow sensitive information to be downloaded on unauthorized devices without detection. 

No Real-Time Alerts: Incydr lacks the ability to generate real-time alerts when suspicious activity is detected. This notification delay hinders the security team’s timely response, potentially allowing the insider threat to progress further before being addressed. 

Lacking Audit and Forensics Features: While Incydr logs some user activities, it lacks comprehensive audit trails and forensic analysis, such as deep system scans, historical activity logs, and advanced data analytics. This can be a significant drawback for organizations that need to understand the extent of a security incident to prevent future occurrences. 

No Remote Desktop Control: Incydr’s toolset does not include functionalities for remote desktop control, which is vital for immediate threat mitigation. Remote desktop control features would enable administrators to take direct action, such as terminating suspicious sessions or quarantining affected systems, thereby limiting potential damage while an investigation is underway.

Limited Deployment Options: Incydr’s deployment flexibility is restricted compared to other solutions that offer both on-premises and various cloud-based installations. Limited deployment options limit an organization’s ability to scale its insider threat program or integrate seamlessly with diverse IT environments, such as hybrid cloud models.

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The 10 Best Code42 Incydr Alternatives 

Here are the top 10 Incydr alternatives we’ll cover in this post. 

  1. Teramind
  2. DTEX
  3. ProofPoint
  4. Symantec DLP
  5. Cyberhaven
  6. Forcepoint DLP
  7. Safetica
  8. ManageEngine Endpoint DLP Plus
  9. Securonix
  10. LogRhythm UEBA

1. Teramind

Teramind’s Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solution is a robust security platform designed to prevent unauthorized access to and leakage of sensitive information within an organization. This comprehensive system is built on a foundation of user activity monitoring, which allows it to track and analyze users’ behavior across various environments, including email, web applications, and file transfers. 

Our platform employs advanced machine learning algorithms to detect anomalies that could indicate potential data breaches or malicious insider actions. This includes monitoring for unusual access patterns, large data transfers, and other potentially risky activities that deviate from typical user behavior.

One of the key features of Teramind’s DLP solution is its rule-based and behavior-based analysis capabilities. Organizations can configure specific rules that trigger alerts or actions when breached, such as blocking file transfers or alerting administrators. 

For example, suppose a user attempts to access files or systems that do not pertain to their regular job functions or there is an unusual download or upload of large volumes of data. In that case, Teramind’s system will flag these activities. 

Additionally, Teramind supports Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to monitor and secure sensitive information within images and scanned documents. 

Key Features of Teramind

  • Real-time Employee Activity Monitoring: Teramind’s real-time employee activity monitoring allows organizations to instantly observe and record all user activities across various platforms and devices. This feature captures a wide range of data, including application usage, internet browsing, file interactions, and more, enabling managers to comprehensively view employee actions at any moment.
  • Built-in Productivity Optimization: This feature of Teramind is designed to analyze the data gathered from monitoring to identify trends in employee productivity. It can provide insights into work habits, help pinpoint inefficiencies, and suggest modifications to workflows or behaviors that could enhance overall productivity levels within the team or organization.
  • Audit and Forensics: Teramind’s audit and forensics capabilities provide detailed, timestamped records of all user activities, making it easier for security teams to conduct thorough investigations when security incidents occur. This feature is essential for tracing the steps leading up to an incident, understanding the impact, and implementing more robust preventative measures for future security. 
  • Enterprise Application Monitoring: This functionality enables detailed tracking and analysis of how employees use enterprise applications. It helps understand the most frequently used applications, detect unauthorized access, and evaluate compliance with corporate policies and procedures.
  • Compliance and Regulation Support: Teramind helps organizations meet various compliance and regulatory requirements by monitoring and recording all user activities in accordance with standards such as GDPR and PCI-DSS. This feature automates compliance tasks and provides ready-to-use reports for audit purposes, significantly reducing the effort and complexity involved in maintaining compliance. 
  • Clipboard Monitoring: This feature lets users track and log all clipboard activity on monitored devices. This includes text copying, cutting, and pasting actions, often overlooked as potential data leakage points. By monitoring these actions, Teramind helps prevent sensitive information from being mishandled or transferred improperly.
  • Fingerprinting and Tagging: Teramind uses data fingerprinting and tagging techniques to categorize and monitor sensitive information across an organization’s network. This feature automatically tags data based on predefined criteria, enabling more focused monitoring and protection of critical information assets.
  • Powerful Policy and Rules Editor: This editor allows administrators to create, manage, and enforce security policies and rules tailored to the organization’s needs. With an intuitive interface, the policy editor can define actions the system should take when a rule is triggered, such as sending alerts, blocking activities, or locking out a user, thereby automating responses to security events. 

Teramind’s Pricing

Teramind’s pricing is typically structured around the number of users and the specific features required, with several tiers to accommodate different sizes and types of businesses:

  • Starter: Starts at $15 per seat/month. 
  • UAM: Starts at $30 per seat/month. 
  • DLP: Starts at $35 per seat/month. 
  • Enterprise: Tailored for large organizations needing full functionality, including video recording, forensic auditing, and more.

Each tier has cloud-based and on-premise deployment options, and pricing is usually provided per user per month. 

Why Choose Teramind’s Data Loss Prevention Solution?

If you run an organization focused on securing its information assets, Teramind’s DLP is the perfect solution to safeguard your data from internal and external threats. Here’s why: 

Top-Rated DLP Solution

Teramind’s DLP solution stands out in the industry due to its advanced detection algorithms and real-time protection capabilities. It has been consistently rated highly for its effectiveness in identifying potential data breaches and preventing sensitive information from leaving the organization without authorization. 

The solution monitors all forms of data transfer, including emails, cloud storage, external drives, and even printed documents, ensuring comprehensive data protection across all channels.  

Rich Set of Features for Comprehensive Oversight

Teramind’s DLP offers a rich set of features that provide comprehensive oversight over all data interactions within the company. These features include content discovery and classification, detailed policy enforcement, and risk scoring, which help identify and mitigate potential data leaks. The system automatically classifies sensitive data such as personal identification information, financial details, or intellectual property and applies relevant security policies to prevent unauthorized access or sharing.

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User-Friendly Interface for Streamlined Operations

The user interface of Teramind’s DLP solution is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, enabling organizations to implement and manage their data protection policies with minimal training. The dashboard provides a clear overview of all monitored activities and alerts, making it simple for administrators to review incidents, generate reports, and adjust settings in real time to enhance data security. 

Enhanced Capabilities Through Integrations

Teramind’s DLP solution enhances its capabilities through seamless integrations with various business tools and systems, including popular enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, CRM systems, and cloud storage services. These integrations allow for a unified approach to data protection, ensuring that security policies are consistently applied across all platforms and that data flow can be monitored comprehensively. 

Compliance and Privacy at Its Core

Teramind is built to help organizations meet stringent regulatory requirements such as GDPR and PCI-DSS. The solution includes automated tools for compliance management that streamline the auditing process, generate compliance reports, and ensure that all data handling practices adhere to legal standards, safeguarding the organization against compliance risks. 

Flexible Deployment Options for Every Type of Business

Whether it’s an on-premises installation for those requiring tight control over their environments, a cloud-based setup for ease of access and reduced IT overhead, or a hybrid model combining both, Teramind ensures that businesses can choose the optimal deployment strategy that aligns with their security requirements and operational preferences. 

What Are Customers Saying About Teramind?

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DTEX Systems provides a comprehensive data loss prevention solution, utilizing its proprietary DMAP+ technology to offer enhanced visibility into user activity without infringing on privacy. This technology captures high-fidelity metadata from endpoints, generating contextual intelligence crucial for understanding user behavior patterns. 

By employing machine learning and advanced analytics, DTEX can detect anomalies in user activity that might indicate data exfiltration or insider threats. These capabilities allow organizations to respond to risks before they materialize into data loss proactively.

Furthermore, DTEX directly integrates real-time anomaly detection and user behavior analytics into its platform. This integration enables DTEX to offer more granular visibility into data access and usage than traditional DLP solutions. 

Key Features of DTEX

  • Lightweight endpoint data collection. 
  • Workforce Cyber Intelligence technology — captures and analyzes over 500 unique elements of behavioral telemetry per user per day. 
  • File lineage forensics & auditing. 

DTEX Drawbacks

  • Complicated Data Analysis Process. Navigating through multiple screens and employing various techniques for data analysis proves complex, suggesting a need for better visualization and data linkage to assist both regular users and experts [*].
  • Challenging Web Interface. The web interface is initially overwhelming and unfriendly, complicating the learning process for new users. Additionally, functionality for extracting user-specific attributes like job titles has only recently been introduced [*].
  • High Alert Volume Without Automation. The system generates a high volume of alerts, requiring a dedicated team for initial management and tuning. There is also a steep learning curve for creating rules without prior knowledge of specific tools or YARA rules, with minimal initial guidance [*]. 

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3. Proofpoint Insider Threat Management

Proofpoint’s Insider Threat Management (ITM) solution (formerly known as ObserveIT), offers a robust, cloud-native solution that delivers comprehensive visibility and insights across various channels. This solution features a centralized console that enables the configuration of policies, the triage of alerts, threat hunting, and incident response.

It also features a lightweight endpoint agent to protect against data loss while offering deep insight into user activity. This agent allows for flexible adjustments to the policy configuration, enabling you to tailor the quantity and types of data collected for individual users or specific groups. 

One of Proofpoint’s standout features is its ability to provide detailed visual recordings of user activities. These activities may include installing and using unauthorized tools or conducting unauthorized security administration activities. This capability ensures that security teams can visually verify what actions were taken during a session, providing clear evidence of policy violations or external audits. 

Key Features of Proofpoint ITM

  • Multi-region data center support is available in the United States, Europe, Australia, and Japan.
  • Flexible rules engine 
  • Content scanning and data classification through Proofpoint Cloud DLP and Proofpoint Email DLP. 

ProofPoint ITM Drawbacks

  • Critical Issues with Updates. The software had several highly critical issues, including undisclosed changes in updates that disrupted vital business operations. Additionally, some features became inaccessible without support intervention [*].
  • Interface and Functionality Concerns. ProofPoint ITM’s interface is often buggy and lacks a central management option for installing or uninstalling agents, complicating device management. Additionally, the system’s extensive telemetry can overwhelm analysts and potentially miss detecting malicious activities [*].
  • High Costs and Integration Challenges. Implementing and maintaining the solution is costly, and the system occasionally generates false positives. Furthermore, ProofPoint ITM may not integrate seamlessly with all existing systems, adding to operational challenges [*]. 

Related → The 8 Best Proofpoint Competitors & Alternatives in 2024

4. Symantec DLP

Symantec DLP, from Broadcom, is a platform that offers accurate detection and classification of a wide range of data types through its proprietary deep-content inspection and data fingerprinting technology. This level of precision allows for the enforcement of detailed policies that control how sensitive information is handled, ensuring compliance with global regulatory requirements.

Symantec DLP extends its capabilities beyond mere detection, offering robust incident response and workflow management tools that allow organizations to respond swiftly and effectively to data loss incidents. 

The system’s strength lies in its integration capabilities, which allow it to work seamlessly with other security solutions, such as secure web gateways and email security systems. This integration provides a layered security approach that prevents data loss and minimizes the potential for data breaches by monitoring and controlling data movement across the network. It supports various platforms, from traditional on-premises IT environments to cloud-based systems like Office 365 and Google Workspace. 

The Symantec DLP is available in two solution sets: DLP core and DLP cloud. 

  • DLP Core protects endpoints, networks, and storage locations, offering Sensitive Image Recognition and Information-Centric Analytics.
  • DLP Cloud allows DLP policies to be extended to cloud environments by providing full CASB controls alongside DLP cloud connectors for Web and Email Gateways. 

Key Features of Symantec DLP 

  • Advanced data matching featuring over 130 data identifiers out-of-the-box. 
  • Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) integration. 
  • Policy builder with in-built 70+ templates. 

Symantec DLP Drawbacks

  • Outdated DLP Interface. The DLP interface appears outdated and lacks customization options without submitting feature requests. Additionally, setting up integrations is complex due to insufficient documentation [*].
  • Limited Database Support and Resource Demands. The central management console supports only one database manufacturer and lacks a script for reclaiming space in the Standard Edition database. Expanding reporting capabilities requires extra resources [*].
  • Complex Server Setup for Antivirus and DLP. Setting up the server is complicated, requiring separate servers for Antivirus and DLP, purchasing Oracle licenses, and different agents for DLP and Antivirus [*]. 

Incomplete Data Loss Prevention. The tool does not provide a complete data loss-proof solution, as numerous ways exist to evade DLP blocks [*].

5. Cyberhaven

Cyberhaven’s DLP solution features a combination of content analysis and data lineage technologies designed to enhance the security and oversight of sensitive data within an organization. This approach lies in its ability to trace data’s complete journey—from its origin through every point of interaction and handling.

The platform describes this method as Data Behavior Analytics (DaBA) — an approach that offers visibility into how data moves and transforms throughout its lifecycle within an organization. 

Furthermore, Cyberhaven offers content identifiers for common PII, PCI, and PHI patterns and standard keyword lists. You can also create your own identifier with custom RegEx. The solution also provides a standard out-of-the-box Role-based Access Control (RBAC) feature with the option to customize your role with any combination of permissions. 

Key Features of Cyberhaven

  • Directory integration (on-premises and cloud-based). 
  • Multiple deployment options 
  • Forensic-level event collection without device access. 

Cyberhaven Drawbacks

  • Limited Integration Capabilities. The main issue is the lack of sufficient API endpoints for integration, which hinders seamless interaction with SIEM systems and automation of maintenance tasks. Additionally, the product struggles with slow report loading from large datasets over extended periods [*].
  • Non-Cumulative Policy Alerts. The system’s policy alerts are not cumulative; if three policies with different severity levels are triggered, it generates alerts for all instead of only the highest severity, leading to potential alert fatigue [*].
  • Limited Support for Mobile Devices. Users complained of a lack of mobile support, the complexity of installing macOS endpoint sensors, and issues with interactivity between the product and existing antivirus solutions [*]. 

6. Forcepoint DLP

Forcepoint DLP is a security solution designed to discover, classify, and monitor data, and prevent unauthorized users from accessing or sharing sensitive information. It’s part of the broader suite of products offered by Forcepoint, which includes:

  • Forcepoint ONE DLP: This component safeguards data across the internet, cloud, and private applications through a DLP Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model.
  • Forcepoint Data Visibility: Provides a comprehensive overview of unstructured data throughout your enterprise.
  • Forcepoint Risk-Adaptive Protection: Dynamically adjusts policies based on user activities, offering real-time responses to new threats. 
  • Forcepoint Data Classification: Enhances the precision and efficiency of data classification using artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. 

In addition, the Forcepoint DLP integrates with Forcepoint ONE Security Service Edge (SSE) channels to enable organizations to easily extend their security policies across web, cloud, and private applications. 

One notable functionality in Forcepoint DLP is the Risk-Adaptive Protection feature that uses behavioral analytics to automatically apply policies according to user risk levels. This approach empowers security teams to enact dynamic, individualized policies instead of relying on uniform, static ones. 

Key Features of Forcepoint DLP 

  • Self-learning AI model to identify relevant data across cloud and on-premise. 
  • Compliance tools with 1700 pre-defined templates, policies, and classifiers applicable to the regulatory demands of 83 countries and over 150 regions. 
  • Unified data protection coverage. 

Forcepoint DLP Drawbacks

  • Inadequate Support with Severe Technical Challenges. The tool’s support is insufficient, with manual intervention required to clear older logs, which affects incident reporting on the dashboard. Furthermore, maintaining a continuous on-premise connection via a relay is problematic, often resulting in disconnections [*].
  • Slow Implementation and Poor Support Response. Rules and sorting processes are implemented slowly, and Forcepoint support’s response is often delayed and inaccurate, leading to prolonged issue resolution times [*].
  • Ineffective Data Identification and Costly Customizations. The tool fails to fulfill its promise, particularly in identifying critical data sources across multiple SQL servers, rendering it useless unless used with a single SQL instance. The CASB solution lacks essential enterprise features, and while customizations are possible, they are expensive to implement [*]. 
  • Sudden System Failure Leading to Data Loss. A user complained that the tool was ceasing to function without any error messages or explanations, requiring six months to replace and reinstall, during which all previous data was irretrievably lost [*].

Recommended → The Definitive Guide to Endpoint Data Loss Prevention

7. Safetica

Safetica’s DLP software, Safetica ONE, provides robust features designed to safeguard sensitive data and efficiently manage insider risks. It utilizes a unified classification system to detect and protect data according to content, origin, and file type. It is essential for pinpointing sensitive information across an organization’s network, whether data is at rest or in motion.

Safetica also offers an OCR feature that can work in real-time and even offline, allowing you to identify sensitive data in scanned PDFs and images. 

Another exciting part of the platform is the insider risk management tools, which enable monitoring and mitigating risks from insider threats. The platform assesses high-risk employees and removes unwanted applications or hardware. It also integrates user behavior analytics to detect anomalies and potential threats. 

Additionally, the software’s cloud data protection features integrate seamlessly with Microsoft 365, making it easy to monitor and audit file interactions within cloud storage services and implementing controls to block unauthorized uploads of sensitive files to cloud platforms. 

Key Features of Safetica 

  • BitLocker encryption management
  • Endpoint cloud sync protection for OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, etc. 
  • Safetica Zones to reduce the number of data protection policies. 

Safetica Drawbacks

  • Complex Setup Process. The tool’s introduction did not adequately explain the use and benefits of included/excluded options, leaving users without clear guidance. After the demo, all settings are removed, requiring a complete setup from scratch, which can be challenging for users unfamiliar with DLP [*]. 
  • Deployment Bugs. The tool has significant bugs affecting deployment, visibility of installed clients, and data transfer controls [*]. 
  • Website Recategorization and Log Issues. There are recurrent issues with the continuous recategorization of websites, leading to access restrictions that must be manually corrected. Additionally, log discrepancies occur despite the agent service functioning correctly, affecting user activity tracking [*]. 

8. ManageEngine Endpoint DLP Plus

ManageEngine Endpoint DLP Plus is explicitly designed to protect sensitive data on endpoint devices, offering a tailored solution that addresses the unique vulnerabilities associated with these access points. This DLP solution effectively monitors and controls data transfer activities on USBs, emails, cloud services, and other endpoints. It uses techniques like Fingerprint, RegEx, and keyword searches to locate both structured and unstructured data throughout the network.

Endpoint DLP Plus also employs precise data identification techniques, including content inspection and contextual analysis, to determine the sensitivity of the data being handled accurately. This allows the system to apply appropriate security measures automatically, such as encryption or blocking data transfers, based on pre-configured policies that align with organizational security standards and compliance requirements. 

Key Features of ManageEngine DLP

  • False positives remediation. 
  • Cloud upload protection to protect and process sensitive data. 
  • Data containerization via ‘Enterprise Apps’ functionality. 

ManageEngine DLP Drawbacks

  • Complexity in Implementation and Management. Setting up ManageEngine DLP can be complex and requires significant technical expertise. The initial configuration and ongoing management can also be challenging for organizations without a dedicated IT security team. 
  • Performance Impact. Running ManageEngine DLP software can consume significant system resources, potentially impacting the performance of the systems it is monitoring. If not properly optimized, this could lead to slower system speeds or reduced productivity. 
  • User Privacy Concerns. Users complained that the vendor suddenly demanded full read/write access to their entire Azure Active Directory, Exchange Online, and all files stored in OneDrive, enabling them to access sensitive emails, including those of top executives [*]. 

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9. Securonix

Securonix offers a comprehensive Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solution to enhance enterprise security through advanced analytics and integrated threat response capabilities. It integrates Unified Threat Detection, Investigation, and Response (TDIR) functionalities into a seamless platform. This approach makes it easy to identify and respond to security threats. 

Additionally, Securonix offers a scalable data lake powered by Snowflake’s Data Cloud, which is capable of managing vast quantities of data. This system supports extended data retention, enabling deep investigative and threat-hunting activities. 

The integration of Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) within Securonix enhances incident response efficiency. By automating workflows and integrating data from various sources, the platform ensures rapid and coordinated responses to security incidents. 

Furthermore, Securonix supports multiple deployment options, including a pure cloud-based solution, bring-your-own-cloud for greater control, and managed services through partnerships with MSSPs and MDRs, offering flexibility to fit diverse organizational needs and IT environments.

Lastly, the solution extends its capabilities to comprehensive cloud security monitoring for significant platforms such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and Microsoft 365 and also includes robust measures to mitigate insider threats. This ensures thorough monitoring and security management of both external and internal risks. 

Key Features of Securonix

  • Pre-built use case analytics for frameworks such as MITRE ATT&CK and US-CERT to streamline threat detection and response processes. 
  • Autonomous threat sweeper to scan your historical event data for possible threats. 
  • Securonix hub. 

Securonix Drawbacks

Unreliable Product Performance and Support Issues

  • The product frequently fails in various areas such as connectors, whitelisting, importing from Active Directory, and modifying policy violations, resulting in numerous operational hurdles.
  • Obtaining support is a slow process, often requiring significant effort to receive workarounds.
  • The interface is not user-friendly and non-intuitive, complicating analysts’ use and adding time to investigations and compliance reviews [*].

Limitations in Threat Detection and Data Handling

  • Threat hunting is challenging for analysts new to the environment because they must be familiar with specific attributes to execute spotter queries. 
  • The AI and ML capabilities of the UEBA systems are confined to aggregating and scoring events, lacking advanced threat modeling on the alerts.
  • It is impossible to map a uniform attribute to multiple metadata entries in a payload, complicating the analysts’ understanding of attributes across different data sources [*]. 

10. LogRhythm UEBA

LogRhythm UEBA leverages machine learning algorithms to automatically identify anomalous user behaviors and potential insider threats. It employs various analytical methods, including scenario and behavior-based analytics, to perform detailed profiling and advanced anomaly detection. 

In addition, LogRhythm UEBA integrates seamlessly with the LogRhythm SIEM platform as a cloud-native add-on. This integration enhances the SIEM’s capabilities by adding UEBA features, allowing organizations to manage traditional SIEM functions and advanced user behavior analytics in a unified solution. 

Furthermore, LogRhythm UEBA offers customizable dashboards and facilitates efficient incident management using AI Engine rules and SmartResponse™ automated actions. Users can run and save searches, adapting the system to meet their needs and improving their operational response capabilities. 

Key Features of LogRhythm UEBA

  • Advanced analytics featuring individual and group anomaly detection — and deterministic rules detection. 
  • LogRhythm’s Machine Data Intelligence (MDI) Fabric. 
  •  TrueGeo is used for IP geolocation of activities, and TrueTime is used for timestamps across timezones. 

LogRhythm UEBA Drawbacks

  • API Integration Challenges. Working with the API is time-consuming due to limited documentation and scarce online resources, making integration processes difficult and inefficient [*]. 
  • Lack of Support and Documentation. Users find it extremely challenging to perform tasks or resolve issues due to unhelpful error messages and information scarcity outside the LogRhythm’s community, making problem-solving nearly impossible [*].
  • Challenges with Reporting and Compatibility. 
    • Complex Reporting Templates. Customizing reporting templates is challenging, requiring users to seek alternative solutions. 
    • Compatibility Issues. A notable lack of compatibility with legacy integration mechanisms further complicates the implementation and integration processes [*]. 

Protect Your Data and Fight Against Malicious Insiders — with Teramind DLP

Teramind DLP provides a robust framework for enforcing security policies and ensuring regulatory compliance. Whether it’s safeguarding intellectual property, personal employee information, or customer data, Teramind DLP equips you with the tools to control and track access to sensitive information seamlessly. 

With real-time alerts, automated risk detection, and detailed audit trails, Teramind gives you the edge to take decisive actions against potential threats before they escalate. 

Why Do Customers Prefer Teramind as a Code45 Incydr Alternative?

All Around Security with Teramind DLP

  • Insider Threat Prevention. Safeguard sensitive data against malicious and unintentional threats from your organization automatically. 
  • Fraud Detection. Protect your company and its customers from falling victim to fraud by detecting and preventing data misconduct before it happens. 
  • Employee Work Pattern Analysis. Identify and investigate behaviors indicating threat by leveraging machine-learned analytics that detect abnormal behaviors. 
  • Remote Employee Monitoring. Secure company data against loss amongst your dispersed workforce in their vulnerable, remote environments. 

Flexible Deployment Options

  • On-Premise. Maintain total control and ownership of your data with Teramind’s on-premise deployment.
  • Cloud. Get up and running in minutes with Teramind’s cloud deployment. Automatic updates with no licenses or hardware.
  • Private Cloud. Combine the scalability of the cloud with the security of on-premise. AWS and Azure deployment available. 

Comprehensive Security With Behavior Analytics

Regardless of your industry or the size of your organization, Teramind provides a scalable, endpoint solution. 

  • Employee Monitoring. Go beyond essential employee monitoring with intelligent data-backed behavior analytics.
  • Hybrid Workforce Management. Empower hybrid team managers and achieve greater operational efficiency with behavior data.
  • Productivity Optimization. With data-driven insights, achieve higher output, better workforce performance, and a more significant ROI.
  • Business Process Optimization. Let data-fueled insights reimagine and restructure organizational efficiency and increase productivity.
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