The 8 Best Proofpoint Competitors & Alternatives in 2024

proofpoint alternatives competitors

To protect corporate data, you track the devices and software used within the company to prevent external factors from exploiting its vulnerabilities. But how do you keep track of possible attacks from within—particularly from people within the organization? Whether accidental or malicious, insider threats can jeopardize everything from trade secrets to customer information. 

This reality makes having robust insider threat protection not just advisable but essential. Proofpoint’s insider threat platform is a popular solution for businesses looking to protect their data. However, while Proofpoint depends on its popularity, the question remains: Is it worth it when it lacks some basic features to protect you? Alternatives to Proofpoint offer the same protection while offering additional features.

Where Proofpoint’s Insider Threat Platform Falls Short

Proofpoint’s DLP and Insider Threat Management (ITM) solutions are designed to mitigate risks from within an organization. However, the platform does not meet the needs of all enterprises, particularly in terms of real-time response and comprehensive monitoring capabilities. 

  • Limited Monitoring Channels. Proofpoint’s ITM primarily focuses on email communications and endpoint activities, potentially overlooking other channels such as cloud services and instant messaging platforms. This leads to gaps in monitoring and security coverage, leaving other communication channels insufficiently protected.
  • No Geolocation Tracking. The platform does not offer geolocation tracking for device monitoring, which can be a critical oversight in scenarios where knowing a device’s location is key to identifying unauthorized access or data breaches. 
  • No Real-Time Alerts. Proofpoint’s system lags in delivering instant notifications about suspicious activities, which can delay response times and affect the prompt addressing of potential threats. 
  • Lacking Audit and Forensics Features. While Proofpoint provides some investigation tools, it lacks robust audit trails and detailed forensic capabilities necessary for thorough investigations and compliance requirements. This limitation hinders an organization’s ability to trace the origins and impacts of insider threats.
  • No Remote Desktop Control. The absence of remote desktop control features means IT administrators cannot take direct control over a compromised or suspect endpoint to remediate issues in real time. This slows down the response process significantly in critical situations. 
  • Lacking OCR Features. Proofpoint does not include Optical Character Recognition (OCR) capabilities, which are crucial for analyzing and monitoring text within images and scanned documents. This is a significant gap in data loss prevention strategies, especially for sectors that handle large volumes of such records.
💡Pro Tip → Teramind is capable of detecting insider threats and preventing them before they happen through its Behavior Rules & Alerts engine. 

The Best Proofpoint Alternatives to Consider

Here are the eight Proofpoint alternatives we’ll cover in-depth in this post.

  1. Teramind
  2. DTEX
  3. Symantec DLP
  4. Cyberhaven
  5. Forcepoint Insider Threat
  6. Safetica 
  7. Trellix (formerly McAfee DLP)
  8. Securonix

1. Teramind — Best Overall Proofpoint Alternative

Teramind is a comprehensive security solution designed to detect, record, and prevent malicious insider threats and unintentional breaches originating within an organization.

Teramind uses behavior analytics, real-time activity monitoring, and deep forensics to provide an in-depth view of user actions across an organization’s network. It leverages a combination of user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA), data loss prevention (DLP), and activity monitoring to detect anomalies that might indicate a security threat. This system is particularly good at identifying risky behavior by comparing it against baseline ‘normal’ activities established through continuous observation and data gathering.

The solution also employs advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze activities such as email communications, file transfers, and application usage, ensuring that sensitive information is not misused or leaked. Automated alerts notify administrators of potential breaches or suspicious behaviors. 

Additionally, Teramind allows users to create customizable rules and policies that trigger automated actions or block activities based on predefined criteria. This helps enforce compliance with regulatory requirements and internal policies while providing detailed evidence trails for forensic investigations. 

Key Features of Teramind

  • Real-time Employee Activity Monitoring. Teramind’s real-time employee monitoring capability is powered by agent-based technology that captures and logs all user activity on company devices. This includes email monitoring, screen recordings, keystrokes, and application usage, which are transmitted back to a central server for real-time analysis. This data can be viewed live or stored for historical analysis, allowing for detecting anomalies or policy violations as they happen.
  • Sensitive Data Classification. This feature employs machine learning algorithms and rule-based logic to automatically classify sensitive information stored across an organization’s digital environments. By defining what constitutes sensitive data (e.g., credit card numbers, personal identifiers), Teramind can scan files, emails, and other data at rest or in transit, tagging and categorizing them based on their sensitivity level. This aids in compliance with data protection regulations and enhances data security strategies. 
  • Built-in Productivity Optimization. Teramind includes tools that analyze employee activity data to identify patterns of behavior that contribute to or hinder productivity. By setting benchmarks and monitoring software and website usage, the system can automatically suggest optimizations, such as reallocating resources or limiting access to non-work-related applications during work hours. This feature leverages statistical analysis and trend detection to provide actionable insights.
  • Audit and Forensics. This feature offers detailed, timestamped logs of all user activities and system events, which can be crucial for incident response and forensic investigations. Teramind’s audit capabilities are designed to capture various data points—like file access, network requests, and device usage—to create a comprehensive timeline of events. This allows organizations to quickly understand the scope of an incident and mitigate potential damages.  
  • Enterprise Application Monitoring. Teramind’s application monitoring extends beyond traditional user activity by focusing on enterprise applications’ usage. It tracks how, when, and by whom applications are used. This feature is essential for IT departments to proactively ensure optimal application usage and troubleshoot issues. 
  • Powerful Policy and Rules Editor. The platform offers a highly customizable policy and rules editor that enables organizations to define specific actions to be taken when certain conditions are met. This includes automated alerts, user prompts, or security measures like blocking activities. The editor supports complex conditional logic and can integrate with other systems via APIs to enforce compliance and security policies. 

Teramind’s Pricing

Teramind’s pricing is typically structured around the number of users and the specific features required, with several tiers to accommodate different sizes and types of businesses:

  • Starter: Starts at $15 per seat/month. 
  • UAM: Starts at $30 per seat/month. 
  • DLP: Starts at $35 per seat/month. 
  • Enterprise: Tailored for large organizations needing full functionality, including video recording, forensic auditing, and more.

Each tier is available in cloud-based and on-premise deployment options, and pricing is usually provided per user per month.  

Why Choose Teramind’s Insider Threat Detection Solution?

Top-Rated DLP Solution

Teramind’s DLP solution is highly regarded for its comprehensive approach to securing sensitive data against unauthorized access and leaks. By monitoring data in use, data at rest, and data in motion, Teramind ensures that all sensitive information is continuously protected. 

The system uses contextual analysis and content inspection to prevent data breaches by automatically implementing security policies, such as blocking file transfers or alerting administrators about suspicious activities. This level of data protection makes it ideal for organizations that handle large volumes of sensitive information. 

Rich Set of Features for Comprehensive Oversight

Teramind offers a rich feature suite that provides deep visibility into user behaviors and network activities. Its capabilities include detailed user activity monitoring, real-time alerts, video recording of user sessions, and automated behavior analytics. 

These features allow administrators to detect anomalous behavior patterns and review historical data for security audits. Furthermore, Teramind’s advanced rule-based engine enables the customization of security protocols specific to the organization’s needs, enhancing targeted oversight and control. 

User-Friendly Interface for Streamlined Operations

The solution boasts a user-friendly interface simplifies complex data monitoring and management tasks. With its intuitive dashboard, users can easily navigate through various analytics and reporting tools, making it accessible for both technical and non-technical staff. 

The dashboard provides at-a-glance insights into security events and operational status, streamlining the process of tracking user activities and compliance statuses. This ease of use extends to setting up alerts and policies, ensuring seamless integration into daily operations without requiring extensive training. 

Enhanced Capabilities Through Integrations

Teramind enhances its core offerings with extensive integration capabilities, allowing it to work seamlessly with existing IT infrastructure, including SIEM systems, ticketing systems, and other security tools. 

These integrations enable a unified approach to security management, where data from Teramind can inform broader security measures and vice versa. For instance, integrating Teramind with a SIEM system can provide a more holistic view of security threats and improve response times by leveraging automated workflows. 

Compliance and Privacy at Its Core

Privacy and compliance are central to Teramind’s design. The platform supports compliance with major regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS by providing necessary tools to enforce policies and maintain audit trails. 

In addition, its privacy features, such as anonymization of user data, ensure that monitoring practices respect user privacy and comply with legal standards. These features make Teramind an ideal choice for sectors where regulatory compliance is critical. 

💡Pro Tip → Teramind offers PCI DSS, ISO 27001 Audit Tool, and an automated Intelligent Compliance Management solution. 

Flexible Deployment Options for Every Type of Business

Teramind offers flexible deployment options for various business needs, including cloud-based, on-premises, and private cloud configurations. This flexibility ensures that businesses of all sizes and with different IT capabilities can effectively implement and manage the Teramind solution. 

Whether a small business looking for a straightforward cloud solution or a large enterprise needing a robust on-premises deployment, Teramind adapts to meet specific security and operational requirements. 

Recommended → Proofpoint vs. Teramind comparison.

What Are Customers Saying About Teramind?

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DTEX Systems offers an insider risk management solution that integrates user behavior analytics, endpoint data loss prevention, and operational intelligence to safeguard against internal threats and data breaches. 

DTEX operates on the “Workforce Cyber Intelligence principle,” which utilizes various data points—such as user interactions, data movements, and application usage—with analytics to detect anomalies that signify potential security threats or policy violations. DTEX’s approach is distinguished by its lightweight, privacy-respecting data collection methods that provide actionable insights without compromising user privacy or system performance.

DTEX’s technology is designed to scale across an organization, providing insights into potential security threats, operational efficiency, and workforce activity. It utilizes non-invasive data collection techniques to balance monitoring and privacy, which is crucial in environments sensitive to employee morale and legal constraints. 

Each interaction is analyzed for deviations from baseline activities, enabling organizations to respond proactively to early signs of insider threats. DTEX’s use of machine learning and advanced analytics enhances this proactive capability by continually refining and evolving detection parameters based on emerging patterns and organizational changes. 

Key Features of DTEX

  • Scalable telemetry integration. 
  • Real-time anomaly detection.
  • Workforce operational analytics. 

DTEX Drawbacks

  • Complex Web Interface. The web interface could be more user-friendly and can be overwhelming for new users. Additionally, features like extracting user account attributes such as job title or department are only being added [*].
  • Limitations in Alert Management. 
    • Cannot add new alerts to existing ones, which results in missing essential notifications. 
    • High levels of tuning are necessary to minimize irrelevant notifications. 
    • Modifications to rules or alerts require assistance from the DTEX support team, limiting flexibility [*].

Related → The 7 Best DTEX Competitors & Alternatives in 2024 

💡Teramind’s Advantage: Scriptable Logic → Create organization-specific reports based on custom rule builds and response actions. Gather any activity metric for individual employees, departments, or the organization overall. 

3. Symantec DLP

Symantec DLP, now part of Broadcom, is a data loss prevention platform that allows organizations to discover, monitor, and protect sensitive data wherever it lives—whether on-premises, in the cloud, or at the endpoints. It is engineered to provide comprehensive coverage across different data types and communication channels, including email, web traffic, and storage. 

By implementing Symantec DLP, companies can ensure that their sensitive data is not only identified but also securely managed and protected against loss or theft, helping to maintain compliance with various regulatory requirements. 

The solution leverages advanced content detection techniques, such as digital fingerprinting, machine learning, and pattern matching, to accurately identify sensitive data across an organization’s environment. This enables precise monitoring and control of data handling, ensuring that any data leaving the company’s perimeter is appropriately secured. 

Key Features of Symantec DLP

  • Sensitive image recognition via built-in Optical Character Recognition (OCR) engine. 
  • Vector machine learning.
  • Endpoint data loss prevention.

Symantec DLP Drawbacks

  • High False Positives and Poor Integration. The tool frequently generates false positives and needs help integrating seamlessly with other Symantec tools [*].
  • Limited OS and Detection Support. Symantec DLP does not support Linux OS, and its regex-based detection capabilities are subpar [*].
  • Inadequate Technical Support. The technical support team may not be responsive, further complicating conflict resolution with other monitoring software. Additionally, tuning alerts for sensitive data like social security numbers and other personally identifiable information has notable limitations [*].

Related → The 15 Best Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Tools in 2024

💡Teramind’s Advantage: Keystroke Logger → Stay alerted to all keyboard activity, including copy+paste commands and visible or invisible keyboard entries. Keyboard activity data informs productivity behavior analysis while detecting hidden, malicious activity. 

4. Cyberhaven

Cyberhaven provides an insider risk management solution designed to detect and mitigate risks from insider threats. It leverages real-time data tracking and analytics to offer insights into how information is being used and shared across an organization, helping to prevent data leaks and unauthorized data access. 

Cyberhaven’s core feature is the ‘Data Lineage’ technology, which can trace data flow within an organization from its origin to its execution without obstructing normal business operations. This tracing capability is supplemented by advanced analytics that interprets the context of data usage, enhancing threat detection accuracy. 

Key Features of Cyberhaven

  • Forensic file capture. 
  • User directory integration.
  • Incident records (covering weeks or months). 

Cyberhaven Drawbacks

  • Complex Custom Policy Creation. Creating custom policies is challenging. Also, alerts from multiple policies are not aggregated; each policy can trigger separately even if all conditions are met. Additionally, URL detection sometimes inaccurately sends a warning based on the last URL opened, not necessarily the one involved in the event [*]. 
  • Poor Incident Overview. The incident dashboard still requires better event grouping as significant data events can generate an overwhelming number of incidents to review [*].
  • Device Compatibility and Installation Challenges. 
    • Mobile Device Support. There is a notable lack of support for mobile devices, limiting usability across different platforms.
    • Complex macOS Installation. Installing endpoint sensors on macOS proves to be complex, suggesting a need for a more streamlined installation process.
    • Compatibility with AV Solutions. There are issues with how well the system interacts with existing antivirus solutions, which could be improved to ensure better integration and functionality [*].

5. Forcepoint Insider Threat

Forcepoint Insider Threat is a solution designed to detect and mitigate insider risks resulting from negligent or malicious actions. The platform utilizes a blend of activity monitoring, analytics, and contextual insights to provide comprehensive visibility into user behavior across the enterprise. 

Forcepoint’s core strength lies in its approach to data protection, which combines user behavior monitoring with data access controls and psychological analytics to assess risk. 

Key Features of Forcepoint Insider Threat

  • DVR capture and playback on both Windows and Mac OS endpoints. 
  • Psychological risk assessment tools.
  • User risk scoring. 

Forcepoint Insider Threat Drawbacks

  • Complex User Interface. Forcepoint’s user interface is outdated and often too complex, as it presents an overwhelming amount of information all at once. Additionally, risk scores are inaccurately high for minor activities, and the system often generates false positives [*]. 
  • Limitations in Threat Modeling and Data Protection. The absence of a MITRE ATT&CK dashboard and the inability to integrate with DLP systems are significant limitations, which reduce its functionality for advanced threat modeling and data protection [*].
  • Cost Concerns. Forcepoint’s pricing is relatively high for many businesses, making it a less viable option for budget-conscious people [*]. 

Related → The 16 Best Remote Desktop Monitoring Software Solutions

💡Teramind’s Advantage: Remote Desktop Control → Stop insider threats and malicious activity at the moment by taking remote control over a machine or by disabling the keyboard and mouse during a monitored session. Use the same tool to conduct hands-on in-session training. 
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6. Safetica

Safetica is a data loss prevention (DLP) and insider risk management software designed to prevent accidental data leaks and protect against insider threats. The software provides tools that monitor, analyze, and react to potential data security risks across an organization’s network. It is designed to work seamlessly with existing IT infrastructure, offering a user-friendly interface that simplifies the management of data security policies. 

This solution utilizes a combination of content inspection, contextual analysis, and anomaly detection to ensure that sensitive information is handled appropriately across all endpoints and networks. This is particularly effective in environments where data security and compliance with regulatory frameworks are critical. 

For example, Safetica records and stores every file operation in the cloud using the Microsoft Azure platform. This allows you to take remediation action and prevent impact on a possible data breach when detected. 

Key Features of Safetica

  • User activity logging.
  • Endpoint control. 
  • Zero-day threat detection and response. 

Safetica Drawbacks

  • Incomplete Bug Fixing and Feature Integration. The product requires further refinement in deployment and viewing installed clients and lacks data transfer and policy application features across files [*].
  • Limited MacOS Compatibility. Safetica does not support specific MacOS versions, which resulted in a failed deployment deadline and over 50 hours of testing without resolving all endpoint configuration issues [*].
  • Restricted Operating System Support. The solution lacks support for MacOS and Linux devices, limiting its utility in diverse IT environments [*].
  • Lack of Effective Onboarding and Support. Opting out of the free integration testing or paid implementation without proper familiarity with DLP tools can lead to challenges, as the product does not provide an adequate introduction or effective online support [*].
💡Teramind’s Advantage: Printed Document Tracking → Track all printed documents via physical printer or PDF for security logging and compliance audit purposes. See what’s being printed and block printing of sensitive or confidential documents. 

Recommended → Types of Insider Threats Risking Your Company’s Security 

7. Trellix

Trellix DLP (formerly McAfee DLP) is a suite of products developed to help detect, monitor, and protect sensitive data across an organization’s network, whether at rest, in use, or transit. This comprehensive approach helps prevent data breaches and ensures compliance with regulatory standards by controlling data that flows through endpoints, networks, and cloud services. 

One of Trellix DLP’s key features is the ‘Device Control’ agent plug-in (on Windows and Mac) that controls what data can be copied to removable devices or controls the devices themselves. It can block devices entirely or make them read-only. This functionality also extends to blocking executables on removable media from running (Windows version only). 

In addition, the solution integrates natively with Trellix’s ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO™) software to streamline policy and incident management. 

Key Features of Trellix DLP

  • Sensitive data protection. 
  • Content classification engine. 
  • Access control policies. 

Trellix DLP Drawbacks

  • Limited Incident Exporting. McAfee DLP has a significant limitation in exporting total incidents, occasionally resulting in an unresponsive console [*].
  • High Resource Usage and Cost. The software frequently consumes more CPU resources than acceptable, impacting server performance. Additionally, its pricing is considered high compared to other competitors in the market [*].
  • Excessive False Positives. Users have experienced excessive false positive warnings, which can complicate threat detection and management [*].
  • Complex Filter Configuration. Setting up filters for sensitive information like SSNs and credit card numbers can be challenging. Overly narrow filters might capture irrelevant data, and rule creation can slow down the tool’s performance [*].

Recommended → Insider Threat Indicators: 10 Warning Signs to Look For

💡Teramind’s Advantage: Instant Messaging Monitoring → Keep an eye on risks to data, productivity, and compliance behaviors, as well as employee engagement and sentiment with instant message monitoring. Set controls that monitor and limit what’s being shared on messaging platforms. 

8. Securonix

Securonix enhances insider threat detection with real-time monitoring. Its advanced behavioral analytics add depth and precision to alerts. With Securonix, you can effectively detect and address internal and external threats using the Next-Gen SIEM technology. This technology is fueled by complex behavior analytics that relies on machine learning algorithms to enable you to correlate events, highlighting the most critical alerts. 

Additionally, you can uncover subtle, slow-moving attacks using threat models aligned with the MITRE ATT&CK and US-CERT frameworks. 

Key Features of Securonix

  • Insider response orchestration via Securonix SOAR.
  • Securonix SearchMore for long-term search. 
  • Identity and risk profile with peer group analysis. 

Securonix Drawbacks

  • Complex Alert Querying. Writing queries to search for alerts is notably tricky, complicating the process of monitoring and responding to potential issues [*].
  • Limited Suitability for Smaller Customers. The platform is primarily designed for large customers, making it less effective for smaller businesses [*]. 
  • Poor Customer Support. Despite the platform’s high customizability, the support offered is inadequate. Users experience long ticket response times, and interactions with support staff are often unhelpful and slow to resolve issues [*]. 
💡Teramind’s Advantage: Live & Screen Recording Capture → See user actions as they’re happening or after they’ve occurred with video-quality session recordings that can be used to review a security or compliance event or to analyze productivity behaviors. 

Teramind — Insider Threat Prevention For Every Type of Business

Every business, whether a large enterprise or a small-to-medium-sized business, faces insider threats. Organizations require proactive, cutting-edge solutions beyond traditional cybersecurity measures to detect and prevent such threats.

Teramind offers powerful analytics, automated incident response, and detailed contextual monitoring of user activities. These capabilities enhance an organization’s cybersecurity framework, equipping security teams with enriched data to pinpoint and neutralize potential insider threats.

Overall, Teramind stands out as a preferable solution compared to Proofpoint for insider threat detection and prevention. Teramind’s suite of tools detects early signs of insider threats and ensures rapid response, minimizing potential damage. By integrating Teramind into your security stack, you can enhance your security posture significantly, safeguarding your critical assets from the inside out. 

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Who is competitor Proofpoint?

Proofpoint’s main competitor in the field of insider threat prevention is Teramind. Teramind offers powerful analytics, automated incident response, and detailed contextual monitoring of user activities to detect and prevent insider threats.

What is better than Proofpoint?

One alternative to Proofpoint that is considered better is Teramind. Teramind offers advanced analytics, automated incident response, and detailed contextual monitoring of user activities, making it a robust solution for insider threat prevention.

Is Proofpoint better than mimecast?

Proofpoint and Mimecast are reputable email security solutions, but the better choice depends on your specific needs. Proofpoint is known for its advanced threat detection capabilities, while Mimecast offers a comprehensive suite of email management features. Consider evaluating your priorities and requirements to determine which solution aligns best with your organization’s needs.

Is Proofpoint worth it?

Proofpoint is a trusted email security solution with advanced threat detection capabilities. However, its worthiness depends on your specific needs and priorities. It is recommended that the features and functionalities offered by Proofpoint be evaluated and compared with other alternatives to make an informed decision.

Does Office 365 use Proofpoint?

No, Office 365 does not use Proofpoint as its primary email security solution. Instead, it offers built-in email security features, including advanced threat protection, that protect against various threats, such as malware and phishing attacks.

Is Proofpoint a SaaS or Paas?

Proofpoint is primarily a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) solution. It delivers its email security and advanced threat protection capabilities through the cloud, allowing organizations to access and use these services remotely without needing on-premises infrastructure.

Which companies use Proofpoint?

Proofpoint is used by numerous companies around the world, including small businesses, large enterprises, and government organizations. Some notable organizations that use Proofpoint include BP, Comcast, Ford, NASA, and the United States Department of Defense.

Is Proofpoint a secure email gateway?

Yes, Proofpoint is a secure email gateway that provides advanced threat detection and protection against various email-based threats such as malware, phishing, and ransomware attacks. It offers robust security features to safeguard organizations’ email communications and sensitive data.

What are the disadvantages of Proofpoint?

Some potential disadvantages of Proofpoint include its high cost compared to other alternatives, the complexity of its configuration and administration, and the potential for false positives in its threat detection. However, these disadvantages may vary depending on an organization’s needs and requirements.

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