How to Improve Recruitment and Attract Better Talent with Employer Branding


A LinkedIn study found that when considering a prospective employer, 75% of candidates take the employer’s brand into consideration before applying for a job. To stand out and secure the best talent possible, recruiters and HR personnel must prove their company is a unique and desirable workplace. In order to attract better talent with employer branding during the recruitment process, understanding the role that employer branding plays in the process is critical. 

An effective employer brand conveys to candidates what it’s like working for your company and helps win over the most promising talent by demonstrating its advantages. Structuring recruitment to include employer branding streamlines the hiring process as a whole and works to strengthen the brand itself. The power of employer branding can’t be denied. When companies utilize employer branding during recruitment, they reduce costs-per-hire by 50%, increase retention by 28% and shorten the time it takes to hire.

In order to reap these benefits, employer branding must be included in every step of the recruitment process.

Turn Employees Into Brand Advocates

Building the perception of an employer brand begins with the existing workforce before recruitment begins. With social media and career websites, it’s easier than ever for applicants to get a glimpse into a company. Over 80% of employees and job seekers research a company before even applying. HR professionals can use this to their advantage by promoting the use of social media among employees to talk about their workplace experience. When employees speak about their experience it matters; employees are trusted three times more than CEOs in regards to the workplace experience. Encouraging employees to become brand advocates by posting about their work online will boost the employer brand and give prospective employees a look into the company. Employees’ networks are a great source for recruiting because their networks are mostly likely made up of individuals who share their same values, and therefore the company’s. Letting employees promote and talk about their workplace online helps recruits and applicants understand exactly what can be expected if they join and more importantly, gets the attention of the candidates that align with the company culture. 

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Attract Better Talent With Branded Job Listings

The wording of a job posting can do wonders in getting the attention of the most qualified candidates. While including the responsibilities and roles of a position are necessary, including brand messaging can help attract better talent with employer branding helping the job listing stand out from other similar positions. Integrating the company brand allows applicants to understand what the company is all about from the first point of contact, the application. It’s easy for a job listing to get lost among the thousands of vacancies, including the company brand sets it apart. Think about a generic job listing. It might say something like “Position available…Responsibilities include…Health Benefits…401K” Now consider a branded job listing “Calling all innovators! We’re looking for an outside of the box thinker and go-getter to join our team! Your role will include… We offer competitive benefits packages that include…” These small details set the listing apart. When companies brand their messaging, applicants can determine whether or not a company is a good fit. Knowing this information beforehand helps reduce turnover and increase retention. New hires that have a clear idea of what it means to succeed at a company are less likely to seek employment elsewhere after hiring.  

Create Branded Interview Experiences That Stand Out

In today’s hypercompetitive job market, interviews are for candidates as much as they are for companies. First impressions last and bringing employer branding to the interview process is a great way for HR professionals to introduce candidates to company culture firsthand. Working interviews are a great way to skip the traditional Q&A and really infuse the meeting with a brand. If teamwork is part of the brand, a working interview that allows an applicant to sit in on a group project might work. Or for a company that stresses innovation and development, including a brainstorming session for ideas and improvements could do the job. Branding the interview process isn’t up to HR alone; hiring managers can help develop a memorable, branded interview process that leaves an impression. 

Brand Onboarding To Promote Company Culture

Beyond the recruitment process, branding should be incorporated into the onboarding process of new hires too. Joining a new company can be an unsettling experience, but including your integrated branding into onboarding helps new recruits more quickly adjust and reinforces your employer image. This is an opportunity to drive home the company brand for new recruits. While the videos and materials included in onboarding have visual branding, the onboarding process itself should too. If the company brands itself as valuing the employees, why not show off outstanding employee successes during onboarding? Or if you want to emphasize a work/life balance, why not include extended breaks during the introductory session? Whatever the brand, accentuating it during onboarding comes with benefits. Including employer branding in the recruitment process has proven to reduce costs-per-hire and training time. The time saved by promoting the employer brand during the recruitment process can then be used to promote the employer brand during onboarding and establish the company culture from the beginning.  

Start working better together by creating a team brand


To attract better talent with employer branding and begin creating an unstoppable, productive, dedicated workforce, start with focused and efficient recruitment. Although this job falls to HR, a strong employer brand can do a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to attracting the right candidates and promoting the company culture. To reinforce an employer brand and to ensure your candidates fit the bill, every step of recruitment should be on-brand from the company’s presence on career pages all the way through to onboarding. Branding the recruitment process doesn’t just find the right talent, it saves the HR department valuable time and resources. The benefits of employer branding can go beyond recruitment, too. Once a new hire is settled, a strong employer brand fosters a deep sense of loyalty from the staff leading to less turnover; but it all starts with recruitment.

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