Our Certification Program, Teramind Academy, Is Here!

This month we launched our certification program, Teramind Academy. The coursework focuses on offering in-depth instruction on how to get the absolute most out of Teramind in order to achieve your organization’s goals whether it’s for productivity, security, operational efficiency or user activity monitoring. A recent study by Deloitte delivered a pretty devastating statistic– 67% […]

Staying Productive in Healthcare: Avoiding EHR Downtime

Avoiding EHR downtime in healthcare today is one of the top priorities for care providers. Not only does EHR downtime add stress to care teams and their workflows, it also affects patient care. Without access to EHR, or electronic health records, health and medical care providers are unable to access patient medical history and treatment […]

The Importance of Data Loss Prevention in Healthcare

As healthcare providers battle an ongoing global pandemic, behind the scenes another war wages; one with their data security. The healthcare industry is no stranger to cyberattacks. Not only do healthcare providers account for 30% of all large data breaches, they experience the highest data breach costs and are the most targeted organizations across all […]