Our Certification Program, Teramind Academy, Is Here!

This month we launched our certification program, Teramind Academy. The coursework focuses on offering in-depth instruction on how to get the absolute most out of Teramind in order to achieve your organization’s goals whether it’s for productivity, security, operational efficiency or user activity monitoring.

A recent study by Deloitte delivered a pretty devastating statistic– 67% of managers and executives aren’t comfortable accessing or using data analytics tools. And that’s on top of another staggering data stat that came from Inc.com– up to 73% of enterprise data goes unused. 

As a business solution for enterprise, government and SMBs looking to achieve operational efficiency, improve productivity and strengthen security using behavioral data analytics, it is important for us that our customers, partners and anyone using data monitoring in their industry doesn’t suffer that fate. 

Isaac Kohen, our VP of R&D said it best: 

“It’s crucial for organizations to realize just how powerful data can be. Teramind’s robust capabilities do just as much for productivity and workflow efficiency as they do for security operations like data loss prevention and insider threat detection.”

Teramind Academy Courses

Courses are always being expanded. Early adopters can now access two courses currently being offered during our soft launch: Teramind Foundations and Teramind SOC Analyst Level 1. While members of our partners program have an additional course available to them, Teramind Partner Sales, Level 1. 

Teramind Foundations offers an in-depth look at Teramind basics and helps course takers familiarize themselves with Teramind’s most powerful tools: Business Intelligence Reports and Rules and Policies Engine. As we expand the catalog, this course will be required in order to access some of our other courses. It’s a great way to start your Teramind Certification experience and to prepare for upcoming courses. 

Teramind SOC Analyst Level One offers SOC analysts or other users who want to know more about Teramind and SOC an introduction to deploying Teramind specifically for security operations. And with that, how to produce enriched alerts that inform monitoring, threat investigations and threat intelligence as well as how to automatically block risky user activity to bolster incident response. 

Teramind Partner Sales Level One is a course we’re offering to our Partners to help them create customized sales presentations of Teramind that directly respond to their clients needs. This course aims to help our partners understand how to analyze clients’ goals and how to best present Teramind as a solution as well as how to navigate our Partner Portal. 

While the courses we’re currently offering early adopters is limited, our catalog won’t stay that way for long. Our user monitoring data experts and course instructors are working hard to push out the content you need in order to fully leverage Teramind’s functions and optimize your business from top to bottom. 

Courses soon to be published include material focusing on productivity and security. Teramind HR Analyst Level One will focus on customizing Teramind with workforce performance in mind and easing the strain on HR analysts and HR workflow. Those looking to Teramind to strengthen security will soon see an update to our SOC Analyst offerings that includes an even deeper look at leveraging the Behavior Rules and Policy Editor to respond to MITRE ATT&CK procedures and techniques.  

Teramind Academy Enrollment

The certification courses offered by Teramind include continuing education for existing customers and partners, as well as industry-focused topics for anyone interested in learning more about how Teramind can be applied to their organization or to further their knowledge of the software leading the behavior analytics industry. 

Whether or not you’re currently enrolled as a Teramind user won’t hurt your chance to enroll. Enrollment for Teramind Academy is open to anyone that’s interested in learning more about the software and how it applies to the uses they seek. This includes security teams at large corporations, HR departments at government agencies, small business leaders and everyone in-between. 

Who Can Enroll: Anyone Interested in Teramind

Where to Enroll: teramind.learnupon.com

Achieving Your Goals with Teramind

As business leaders, security and HR analysts and even team leaders continue to look to data to drive their decision making, knowing how to read, use and make the most of the data available to them becomes even more of a priority. And that’s the goal of our newest release, Teramind Academy; to empower our users, partners and those seeking more knowledge about the tools their industries use. Teramind has grown into a comprehensive and robust software since its inception in 2014 and as it continues to innovate, we want our users to be able to grow their businesses with it. Now they have another tool to be able to do so. 

To enroll in Teramind Academy visit our Learning Portal. For any questions about Teramind Academy or if you need help getting started, please reach out to us at [email protected]


Get Acquainted with Endpoint Monitoring by Teramind

Optimizing your business starts with securing your organization’s data. Now you can get data loss prevention tools  along with access to key productivity data in a single solution that serves your business in more ways than one. Teramind is an enterprise grade employee monitoring platform providing business intelligence, workflow optimization and security for your business needs.

But don’t just take our word for it…


Request a Teramind Demo

Get a personalized demo of Teramind to learn how we help improve insider threat detection, employee monitoring, data loss prevention, and more to protect your organization.

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