2022 Recap: A Look Back with Teramind

From protecting against insider threats to improving productivity to achieving compliance, the type of behavioral data Teramind provides can be applied to any use case. Every year we find new ways for organizations to take advantage of these insights in order to further their objectives. And this year has been our biggest year yet. We’ve […]

Data in Practice: The Best Workforce Analytics Examples in the Real World

workforce analytics examples

As companies grapple with various unique challenges, including a rapid transition to remote or hybrid work, rising resignations, DEI commitments, and market turmoil, leaders are looking for actionable insights that can power better decisions. Consequently, workforce analytics are becoming more popular and influential than ever before. Today, seventy percent of business executives say workforce analytics […]

The Most Common Causes of Data Breaches in Highly Regulated Industries

Protect sensitive data in highly regulated industries

Organizations in highly regulated industries struggle to keep up with changing requirements, with 62% of risk executives saying that policy shifts in technology and data are leading to the most change in their business. Not only must these organizations comply with industry-specific regulations and general data protection regulations, but they must also defend against the […]

What Is An Insider Threat: The Definitive Guide to Insider Threats, The Risks They Pose & How to Address Them

what is insider threat

Today’s businesses operate in a complicated cybersecurity and data privacy environment. Whether they are guarding against expensive ransomware attacks or reputation-damaging data breaches, today’s landscape has one thing in common: people are often the problem.  According to Verizon’s 2022 Data Breach Investigations Report, 82 percent of data breaches involved the human element, including insider threats. […]

Staying Productive in Healthcare: Avoiding EHR Downtime

Avoiding EHR downtime in healthcare today is one of the top priorities for care providers. Not only does EHR downtime add stress to care teams and their workflows, it also affects patient care. Without access to EHR, or electronic health records, health and medical care providers are unable to access patient medical history and treatment […]

The Importance of Data Loss Prevention in Healthcare

As healthcare providers battle an ongoing global pandemic, behind the scenes another war wages; one with their data security. The healthcare industry is no stranger to cyberattacks. Not only do healthcare providers account for 30% of all large data breaches, they experience the highest data breach costs and are the most targeted organizations across all […]

The Benefits of Protecting Against & Detecting Insider Threats in Finance

Detecting insider threats in Finance

Insider threats to enterprise data have more than one look. A simple mistype by an employee with privileged access can be just as damaging as a compromised employee looking to make a quick buck. One thing that’s always the same, however, is the amount of destruction they  impart on a business, especially in the financial […]

Why Productivity and Managing Compliance in Finance Go Hand in Hand

Productivity Compliance in Finance

It’s no secret that the financial services sector is one of the most highly regulated industries. Afterall, dealing with some of the most private and privileged information consumers’ and corporations’ have requires oversight. Being held to these regulations is costly. Between the costs these organizations spend to remain compliant and the penalties and fines they […]

How Strengthening Data Loss Prevention Increases Productivity in Finance

strengthening data loss prevention increases productivity

The financial sector has experienced some of the most notable data breaches in recent years. Between 2017 and 2020, three major players, Equifax, Capital one and Experian, all fell victim to attack. These data loss events affected hundreds of millions of consumers and cost the affected companies hundreds of millions of dollars. The need to […]

Unifying A Dispersed Call Center Through Security, Compliance and Workflow

Like many other businesses in 2020, call centers were forced to shutter their doors and migrate to remote work. The move was widely beneficial to call centers and their employees. Increased productivity and lower attrition rates were largely credited to the flexibility remote work provided agents. But the shift wasn’t without issue. Call center leaders […]