Introducing New Features Across the Platform | Release 626

Teramind Platform Release 626

Check out the highlights from our most recent update, Platform Release 626! With 174 updates, we delivered nearly a dozen new features and many improvements that will boost your efficiency and increase the security and reliability of your deployment. See the highlights below. For a full rundown, check out the complete Release Notes here. New Activity […]

5 Email Security Tools to Protect Your Business

Email monitoring by Teramind

Email serves a critical function in the operation of most businesses, yet it was never designed to be a secure method of communication. Internal security protocols and robust employee education can help decrease the likelihood of an email breach, but human error is inevitable. Email security tools fill the gap between intention and execution, defending […]

Protecting Collected User Data: Using Access Control Policies in Teramind

Access Control Teramind

Strict cybersecurity measures are necessary when using Teramind’s employee monitoring and data loss prevention suite. Because it collects loads of data on employee activity and records user activity involving confidential company information, protecting collected user data from malicious actors or abusive administrators is crucial to the integrity of the agent. Teramind’s access control policies were […]

Measuring the ROI of Your Brand Investment

Measuring ROI Of Branding

It’s no secret branding aids the growth of a business. The importance and impact of a successful brand is often talked about in articles and blogs, but rarely do they put branding success into terms exacting numbers that relate to growth. While we’re all aware of the positive effects branding can have on a business, […]

Using Teramind to Bolster Internal Branding & Reinforce Company Values

Teramind for Branding

It’s no secret that branding is one of the most important aspects of your company’s presence in the market. But branding goes beyond marketing and is much more than consumer awareness and recognition. A comprehensive branding strategy speaks to every person that it comes into contact with. This includes investors, vendors, employees and new recruits. […]