How the Digital Transformation in Finance is Boosting Productivity

Digital Transformation Finance

Until recently, the banking and finance industries took a “slow and steady” approach to digital transformation. But like all other industries, when faced with a global pandemic, that quickly changed.  What seemed like an almost overnight digital transformation of the finance industry was welcomed. Not only did these moves win praise from consumers, institutions were […]

Optimize Call Center ASR & Improve the Customer Experience with Productivity Monitoring

Call centers are by and large measured by two differing KPIs: ASR and customer satisfaction. These metrics for call centers’ success often compete. In order to answer more calls, agents may sacrifice the customer experience by rushing through calls; or, reversing that, spend too much time on individual calls, lowering call answer rates and the […]

Unifying A Dispersed Call Center Through Security, Compliance and Workflow

Like many other businesses in 2020, call centers were forced to shutter their doors and migrate to remote work. The move was widely beneficial to call centers and their employees. Increased productivity and lower attrition rates were largely credited to the flexibility remote work provided agents. But the shift wasn’t without issue. Call center leaders […]