Understanding the Cost Of A Data Breach

Costs of a Data breach

Expert studies have put a lot of work into identifying what a data breach is likely to cost a company or organization. Data breaches are some of the most feared types of cyberattacks in the business world, and beyond. Having sensitive data outside of the authorized user’s control creates certain kinds of dangers for individuals […]

Data Loss Prevention in Cloud Computing Explained

Data Loss Prevention in Cloud Computing

With so many of their sensitive workflows moving through vendor cloud systems, companies are getting serious about cloud data loss prevention. This is a booming market that’s getting a lot of attention within the general realm of cybersecurity; experts estimate that cloud DLP will be a $27.5 billion annual market by 2031. What is Cloud […]

Lessons Learned from the Vault 7 CIA Insider Threat Leak

insider threat awareness month

We should thank the Department of Justice for their consideration in wrapping up one of the most (potentially) consequential government insider threat cybersecurity stories in time for us to cover it for this year’s National Insider Threat Awareness Month. And this one was a doozie. In case you missed it in July, ex-CIA programmer Joshua […]