employee monitoring and privacy

Privacy with

Teramind is committed to the privacy of its users and their data

Teramind’s Privacy Features

As a privacy-first cybersecurity company, Teramind is dedicated to protecting critical business data and helping organizations meet their compliance goals while honoring employee rights and privacy.
Features built into Teramind promote user privacy, transparency and data compliance.

Monitoring Limits

Use Teramind’s monitoring limits to restrict what the agent records

Limit session recordings to only record rule violations and the surrounding activity

Black out user PII, PHI or PFI when it appears on-screen during session recording

Disable recording for personal websites and apps like banking or messaging apps

Set monitoring schedules so off-the-clock activity like lunch breaks aren’t recorded

workplace privacy and employee monitoring
employee privacy and workplace privacy protection

Customer Data Protections

Teramind’s rules and policies provide an added layer of security to customer data protection

Teramind’s rules and alerts work to protect customer data from breach

Find out when customer privacy data is transferred, copied or edited

Restrict access to customer data to only those who need it

Revealed Agent

Get complete monitoring transparency using Teramind’s Revealed Agent

Allow users to toggle their monitoring on and off at will

Satisfy data collection consent laws like GDPR

Give users the ability to select what tasks they’re working on

Track user activity rather than the machine. Perfect for remote work or BYOD

protect workplace privacy and employee monitoring
privacy and employee monitoring

Privileged User Monitoring

Privileged user monitoring keeps track of administrative access

Customize permission settings and access controls

Use role-based access controls to limit permission to monitored employee data

Segment access so privileged users have limited capabilities

Limit viewing and retrieval of monitored employee data to restrict data distribution

Privacy-Friendly Monitoring with Teramind – Implementing Privacy Controls

Learn More About Privacy with Teramind

Resources for understanding monitoring and privacy

how to address workplace privacy and employee monitoring

Addressing Privacy Concerns

Addressing Data Concerns: 5 Ways to Create A Compliant & Privacy First Monitoring Strategy with Teramind

protecting employee privacy

Privacy without Compromise

Analytics & Intelligence: How to Embrace Big Data & Protect Employee Privacy Without Compromise

privacy and employee monitoring

Raising Privacy Awareness

Training, Accountability and Assessment: Three Priorities for Raising Privacy Awareness Within Your Team

workplace privacy and employee monitoring benefits

Benefits of Investing in Privacy

How Businesses Benefit From Investing in Privacy

workplace privacy and employee monitoring law

Why Privacy Matters

Why Employee Privacy Matters More Than Ever

employee monitoring and workplace privacy how to

Building a Privacy Aware Team

How To Build Teams That
Put Privacy First

promote workplace privacy and employee monitoring

Productivity & Privacy

Productivity & Privacy: Why Tracking One Doesn’t Have to Impede the Other

employee privacy and workplace privacy law

Privacy, Ethics & Usability

The Human Elements of Cybersecurity: Privacy, Ethic, Usability and Responsibility

User Activity Monitoring That Puts Privacy First

insider threat detection and prevention